Porcelain Art Master Club

What is of most importance of painting


 Each of us are compelled to ponder on this subject

and also contemplate the freedom

to think outside the boundaries of tradition

          in our pursuit of original themes and colors

The 22nd Exhibition


The 22nd PA Master Club Exhibition, held on September 2nd and 3rd, concluded with great success. Although we were concerned about the typhoon until the last minute, the weather cleared up for the two days of the event and we were delighted to welcome many visitors.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended.




We are very pleased that our visitors enjoyed the main pieces created with the passion of our members, including this year’s theme, “The Dance of Butterflies” and last year’s theme, “Chocolate Cups” among others.




Next year’s exhibition will be held in Tokyo, and we look forward to seeing you again there.    

                                                        The President Mariko Takahashi


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